Free PMO Blueprint

Our System of Solutions

How Your Leaders Will Drive
Productivity And Growth

Our solutions are designed to keep you in the driver's seat by enhancing the skills and systems
your leaders can call upon to drive your organization to the scale you require

With over 35 years of experience working for and with high-growth software and game development companies, we have come to understand the common challenges you will face as you grow. From these learnings, we have designed a set of process and practice-oriented solutions that will help your leaders build a strong operational and organizational foundation to support your growth.

We start with our Game Changer Bootcamp, a strategic review of your organization, that will outline the areas you most need to refine, upgrade, or implement to ensure you have the operational processes and organizational practices to support rapid growth. From there, we'll propose one of our more focused solutions to provide your leaders with the support and guidance to reach the scale you require.

Game Changer Bootcamp

Is your organization running well? Is your team healthy and engaged, with a reasonable work-life balance? Are your processes clear and sized for your needs? Is your leadership team in position to meet your growth goals? In our Game Changer Bootcamp, we will work together to build an actionable plan to ensure your processes and practices are robust and fit for growth.

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Leadership Team Advantage Workshop

Are your swim lanes defined and lines of accountability clear? Are your leaders able to collaborate well and take joint ownership of complex deliverables? Are your team objectives well in hand with credible plans for delivery? In the LT Advantage Workshop, we will explore strategic focus, operational systems, team enagagement, and planning and execution to ensure your leadership team is effective and tuned for growth.

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Game Dev PMO/Process Upgrade

Are your projects delivered reliably on schedule? Is your planning and execution efficient? Do you have a level of productive output that meets your needs? Is your team running in a sustainable way, not depending on heroics or risking burnout? With the Game Dev PMO/Process Upgrade, we help you design precisely the level of process that most benefits your teams and your business.

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Leader Results Accelerator Program

Are your leaders at each level of your organization equipped to drive at the scale you intend to become? Or are they overseeing areas or levels of complexity they were never trained for? The Leader Results Accelerator Program is purpose-built to take experienced technical and creative leaders and shape them into outstanding business leaders by sharing and sharpening skills to operate effectively at scale.

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Executive Coaching/Advisory

Are your senior leaders thriving in your fast-paced organization? Or are they struggling to find their footing amid the stresses and pressures of aggressive timelines and an unforgiving industry? Executing Coaching and operational Advisory provides a collaborative partnership with our experienced advisors to help equip and ensure your leaders are successful as they navigate your way forward.

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