Free PMO Blueprint

Leadership Team Advantage Workshop

Unlock Leadership Team Effectiveness
At The Scale Your Organization Requires

Everything rises and falls on the effectiveness of your leaders. At this workshop, we will explore the areas your leadership team could most benefit from an assist. Then we will design the workshop that best fits your needs.

Benefits of our LT Advantage Workshop


√ Uncover leadership team blockers
√ Clarify strategic plans & objectives
√ Improve process effectiveness       
√ Address team delivery issues         

√ Align & coordinate communication  
√ Develop robust team action plans    
√ Review, de-risk, and steer execution
√ Foster closer team collaboration      

How It Works

Every leadership team is in a different situation, facing different needs. We meet with you up front to help you decide where best to focus during your workshop session. We can draw on any combination of 6 workshop modules - or define bespoke modules - to maximize impact.

The workshop can be as short as a half-day virtual event, or as long as a 1, 2, or 3-day in-person on-site or off-site event.

We interview your leadership team and other key attendees ahead of time to sharpen the focus of the workshop to the topics and sub-topics that are most relevant to the problems you want to solve. We then work with you to fine-tune the agenda accordingly.

We facilitate the workshop with your leadership team, and follow-up with a debrief of our observations and recommendations for prospective next steps to help your team grow their effectiveness going forward.

Workshop Modules


Strategic Planning

Solidify and clarify strategic intent, and ensure it is captured effectively in objectives and accountability for achieving the outcomes you require

Systems Assessment

Identify and outline the systems and processes that are most critical for success, and review where and how your current systems need to improve

Team Engagement

Review your current culture of achievement and engagement across your organization and identify opportunities to drive higher standards of delivery

Leader Effectiveness

Identify opportunities for leaders to sharpen communication and alignment, collaborate on complex deliverables, and drive to KPIs that matter to your organization

Objective Setting

Establish and follow a process for setting and cascading meaningful strategically-aligned objectives, and derive credible plans for successful achievement

Execution Review

Review progress against in-flight objectives, identify and de-risk plans, and explore opportunities to course-correct as needed to account for any recent developments

Our Process


1. Kick-Off Call

First, we'll have a call to get to know each other and our organizations better. We'll talk about your current situation, your goals, what's working well, and the challenges you're facing. We will also discuss the best way to conduct pre-workshop interviews, who should be involved, and discuss timelines.

2. Interviews

We'll propose a set of interview questions, and together with you we'll fine-tune that to ensure we capture the topics that are of most interest to you as we prepare for the workshop. We will then conduct the interviews, synthesize the data, and share back an anonymized summary of the key themes.

3. Agenda Preparation

Together, we will use the themes from the interviews to help guide the preparation of an agenda. Depending on the length of workshop you prefer to have, we can select 1 or more workshop modules to deep-dive into in half-day blocks, or we can choose a higher-level approach, covering multiple topics in a single block. We are also able to define bespoke topics to ensure the workshop focuses on the most relevant and timely topics.

4. Workshop Sessions

We will conduct the workshop sessions according to the format you select. Shorter (e.g. half-day) workshops can be conducted virtually, whereas longer (e.g. 1, 2, or 3-day) sessions are typically conducted at your location or an off-site location of your choosing.

5. Workshop Debrief

After the workshop has concluded, we will prepare a summary of our observations from the workshop, and schedule a debrief call with you to discuss how the workshop went. During this call, we will review the observations and discuss any prospective follow-on steps that you may find useful for future growth in your organization.

6. Optional: Additional Advisor Support

Based on the outcomes of the workshop and the debrief conversation, you may choose to partner with us to help you further via another one of our structured improvement programs:

We look forward to partnering with you to ensure your organization and leadership team is well positioned to meet your productivity and high-growth goals!

Is The Workshop Right For You?

 To find out more about how this would work in your particular situation,
book a free 30-minute Zoom session, and we'll walk through it together. 

By the end of the session, you will know:

(1) Whether the Workshop is right for you
(2) Which topics are most valuable to address
(3) Where to focus first for immediate team impact



Jason was recommended by a colleague to help me design and conduct a leadership off-site for our Production Infrastructure and Engineering group in Austin, Texas in March 2024.

Jason is very knowledgeable about the gaming industry and the processes used in game development. I found him easy to work with: he is professional and personable, and could readily advise on both people and technical topics.

He provided valuable support at all stages of the off-site: from the early conceptual discussions through to conducting interviews with attendees, extracting insights from the interview data, supporting the design of the individual workshop sessions, and hosting the sessions themselves. He was accessible throughout the process and always made time to act as sounding board for ideas and refinement of details.

Feedback from the off-site attendees was very positive and Jason played an important role in ensuring its success. I welcome the opportunity to work with him again in the future.

Eugene van der Meulen
Sr. Director of Operations, Electronic Arts